No...I didn't forget...just now had time to post...
I know there are several things that deserve a humongo WTTH...but I can't think of I'm gonna list a couple of my favorite things...that my dramatic self would say I can't live without...
First item:
my straightener:It's a Wigo Jade....
next would be a lime Coke...from Sonic...
I don't have one EVERY day...but on days like made the world a happy place for me they have half price drinks from 2-4...
there are tons more things that I feel that I cannot live without...but the last one I'll post about is the DVR...OMGoodness...I don't know what I did before the DVR...wait...yes I do...stupid VHS...One of the things I heart most is being able to fast forward thru commercials!!!plus...tomorrow Survivor starts...aww...Mr. Probst with your dimples...that deserves another WTTH as well :)

theme(s): Woo to the Hoo
CntryMomma said...
I can't live without my straightener either!
I'll have to do this another day. I already posted 3 times to day!
February 11, 2009 at 7:50 PM
He & Me + 3 said...
I have to give my straightener a WTTH as well. I love it! We just got a sonic about a year ago..and we love it too. The kids and I hit there right after school for the specials.
February 11, 2009 at 9:02 PM
jennykate77 said...
I agree with all your WTTH...
Who can live without half-priced lime Coke's from sonic...or straighteners. If I want to straighten my curly hair, it's only by the grace of my chi that it gets done.
Oh, and Mr. Probst...yeah, he's a cutie and one good reason to still watch Survivor after so many seasons.
February 12, 2009 at 7:19 AM
Miranda said...
Good Woo to the Hoo! I don't have a straightener, but my daughter does and she wouldn't be able to live without hers either.
February 12, 2009 at 9:04 AM
Jen Sue Wild said...
Great Woo Hoo.
I will have to check out that streatner.
February 12, 2009 at 12:17 PM
Us said...
My mouth is all watered up over a lime coke from Sonic...I ♥ them so much!!! Seriously, I don't think there's anything better! And I could NOT live without my straightner either! xo
February 18, 2009 at 3:39 PM