Lil' man had his Pre-K performance last night...Here is the mob waiting to get in the doors...Here he is before the show, by the way, he IS crazy about Pre-K!
He has a bandage on his arm because he had to have emergency surgery on his little finger last week..but that didn't stop him...
Here they are singing the song Peanut Butter:
He's in the middle row on the end...please pause my player at the end of the page...sorry about the poor quality of video...
The name of this song is Tooty Ta (but has he says it, Tater Tots):
After the show, he teaches us the Tooty Ta song...
Isn't it funny what folks will do for kids? Here we are out front next to the street as the crowd is leaving the performance and we have our thumbs out, elbows back, feet apart, knees together, bottoms up, tongues out and eyes closed trying to say "tater tots"...but did we care...nopers...and I'd do it again in a heartbeat...
Kristin said...
That is great! he looks so proud singing up there.
February 27, 2009 at 7:22 AM
Kati said...
Haha! That was ADORABLE!!!!
February 27, 2009 at 8:24 AM
jennykate77 said...
So fun!! He's so cute! I love that...Tooty Ta/Tator Tots.
You guys look way cool. So, you'll be doing this dance at the Rick Springfield Concert tonight? Right?
February 27, 2009 at 10:10 AM
CntryMomma said...
How fun! Reminds me of my girls' pre-school years ... good time, good times. (Okay, now I'm slightly depressed! hehe)
But a mob about side the school???? Rock stars. ;o)
February 27, 2009 at 10:37 AM
He & Me + 3 said...
MY girls loved that song...they used to sing it in kindergarte. Stunt man hasn't learned that one yet. Too funny that you all had to learn it. I love it. There isn't much that we won't do to make our little ones happy.
February 27, 2009 at 12:06 PM
Miranda said...
Aww, he did great! That is too adorable! And yes, we will do almost anything for children.
March 1, 2009 at 4:16 PM