The day was finally here! It was time to go on my road trip to see Rick Springfield in concert...this would be my second time seeing him...the first time was about 9 years ago in the parking lot of a, we didn't just happen to bump into each other...that's where his concert was...yesterday, however, it was at a casino...a casino about 2 hours away...I figured this was a smaller casino...and was afraid that the show would be in a tent...and it was...
It was fareeezing outside...there was crazy arctic air or was nice and warm...for the most the tent...
here are my two friends, Karen & Becky, and I before we started rockin' a tent...I didn't realize that there was going to be an opening act...when I heard that there was hope was that it wasn't a local band...I'm all for folks getting a break but when I go to a concert I like to know at least some of the songs...So, the announcer introduces the opening act...and I couldn't understand what he said...but it turned out to be Starship...good! I know some of their songs...
This is for my cousin, Sara
I guess you could say it's kinda like a long distance dedication...I know you can hear Casey Kasem's voice right now...
They closed out their set with what else but We Built This City...below is the intro...sorry I didn't video more...but I HAD to start singing...and you don't wanna hear that...
Now for Rick...I saw on his website that he has a new CD I was hoping he wouldn't sing all new would be ok if he sang a couple...I'm sure he's on tour to promote the new stuff...but I was so ready to stand on a barricade and continuously yell, "Retro Rick" if he started to only do new stuff...luckily he only sprinkled in a few newbies...and I kinda liked them...
Of course Jessie's Girl was a's a taste for you:
We skedaddled on his next to last song...but we could still hear...because he was in a we braved the bitter wind to the valet station to get the car...I had such a fun time with my friends...people watching...listening to & singing songs...and watching Rick take bouquets of flowers and strum the guitar with them...this made me laugh because he did the same thing at the first concert I went to...and I'll add...for any doubters...he still can rock...did you know he'll be 60 this year?
I added the original Jessie's Girl video here...maybe it'll take you back to when MTV actually showed videos...
by the way...he didn't break any mirrors during the concert...but did demolish a guitar...
Tim said...
Looks like you had a good time!
Love and Prayers,
February 28, 2009 at 11:39 PM
missy said...
stopping by from SITS!!!!!!
how fun is that......RICK!!!!!!
cute blog and hope you have a great week!!!!
March 1, 2009 at 7:49 AM
He & Me + 3 said...
Rick is still buff. 60 really? HE looks good! Those arms were ripped. Looks like a blast, thanks for sharing the videos too:)
March 1, 2009 at 2:16 PM
Miranda said...
Ok, first off, HE'S 59?!?!?! I noticed his arms and he does NOT look that age. Not that 59 is old or anything, but most 59 yo's don't look like that!
Glad you had a good time with Rick and friends.
March 1, 2009 at 4:13 PM
Dreams of a Country Girl said...
fun. fun. fun....
so when you gonn ado a guest post??????
March 1, 2009 at 7:01 PM
Anonymous said...
gee hurt my feelings will you. not everybody turns to mush when they get over forty, hehe!!! glad you had a good time. travelingtreasures bampy
March 1, 2009 at 10:38 PM
Unknown said...
Um. Is anonymous really just infamous-- Rick Springfield?
March 3, 2009 at 7:09 PM