Tonight in my Citizen's Police Class we were educated on the taser. They gave us the option to ride the electric pony. I chose not to...however, the officer let me pull the trigger...what is up with my facial expressions...such a dork...I know...and I so called the two classmates out who were laughing at me in the background...also...notice that my roots are not an issue now...
Sara, however, was very brave...she was the first girl to take a jolt of the lightening bolt...of course...she had to sign the waiver was only on for about 2 seconds...but she said it felt like much longer...I asked if I could be the one to deploy the taser...but I couldn't so I had to settle as one of the "holder-uppers"...but I guess I thought she was going to go into some kind of flailing something or other the way I am bracing myself...You have to listen to the audio on this one...she does a couple of squeals...then the scream...
I do agree that Sara was brave and I wasn't in regards to the tasing...however...don't forget that I was attacked by the K9 dog...and she wasn't...I'm just sayin...I think we're even...
Here are some other brave souls who went on a power trip...of course...all of the smiles on everyone else could seem cruel...but we applauded after everyone went...
Check out the other posts regarding my Citizen's Police Class to see other exciting happenings:
CSI: Mycity
Charlie's Angels Tryouts
FADD-Feather Against Drunk Driving
It's Official
That'll Leave a Mark...
Go Speed Racer...
theme(s): citizen's police class
♥ Becky ♥ said...
I love it!!!! I would have totally reacted just like her. Nothing like what happens when I watch Cops!! Those guys really do flael (SP?) on the ground.
And by the way, your roots look great. Were your pants zipped up???
November 6, 2008 at 11:34 PM
feather k said...
ooohhh so funny...but yes they were...but I untucked the shirt just incase... :)
November 6, 2008 at 11:39 PM
brainella said...
I would love to take a class like that. And I think I'd rather get the taser than the dog! :-)
November 7, 2008 at 7:04 AM
Marchelle said...
hilarious! i would so NOT volunteer to be tased!
November 7, 2008 at 7:40 AM
HiHoOhio said...
See, laughing at others is a good thing! What it says about you is that you must have a GREAT sense of humor!! Like the class, what a fun gal you must be to endure that one!!
November 7, 2008 at 8:13 AM
jennykate77 said...
Poor Sara! I'm not sure why I was laughing a little while reading this really shouldn't be funny that other people are getting to "ride the electric pony"...yeah, I think that's the one that got me going. Glad you didn't take a jolt from the bolt. Wow, I'll probably be using these phrases in casual conversation today. Thanks :)
November 7, 2008 at 9:26 AM
He & Me + 3 said...
I love it! I am sorry, but I am laughing out loud! That is so funny! Her reaction was hysterical. Love the other faces too. Love reading your posts, always something funny!:)
November 7, 2008 at 3:37 PM
Its Me(SARA) Behind the Camera said...
:) it was quite FUN! well after the first guy got to "Ride the Pony" and he screamed a little, I was a little scared! But I did it! :) afterwards i was shaking all over and than after that settled the spots where they clipped it on to my shirt hurt on my shoulder and than on my shirt tail! :) I have an awesome story to tell though! :)
November 7, 2008 at 3:39 PM
Dreams of a Country Girl said...
oh my gosh... i would so pee my pants if they did that to me....and cry...
November 7, 2008 at 4:59 PM
Kimmy said...
WOW...those are some brave souls! I sure in the heck wouldn't be a volunteer for that one...OUCH!! LOL!
Thanks for stopping by! :o)
November 8, 2008 at 11:22 AM