Ok, so I don't have any kids of my own, yet anyway...but I am one of the co-leaders for a kid's ministry team, VeloCity. Our mission is to develop children through discipleship and communicate the love of Jesus throughout our city and area. Our season lasts for 9 months each year. We had our year end awards banquet last week.
Of course, we started off with prayer. As the prayer is being said one of the little brothers of a team member reached for some cookies on the table and caught his jacket on fire with a candle...that's what you get little one for not being still during the prayer...Everyone was fine...We then started the food line...yummy stuff...
Here is the other leader, Farah, and I...yes, I know I seem to always wear that green sweater...well, I do, it's my fave...
Here is Falisha, she is a huge help with the team.
Toni is so creative. She takes pictures and creates our scrapbook every year.
When we do a group shot we always have to do a goofy one...but not everyone was on board with this first one:
Ok...now we've got it...
Now for the real one...
I am so privileged to have the opportunity to work with these kiddos. It is such a blessing to me to see how the mature over the year. Their dedication to practice weekly and complete devotions daily is such great foundation. They have such giving hearts and realize they perform for an audience of 1, but while performing for Him, so many are affected.
I'm so proud of each and every one of them...can't wait until next season!
Davisix said...
Oh wow...what a rewarding thing you're doing with these kids. I can only imagine how blessed they are by this. TB&H and I have been youth leaders and can't WAIT to find a church home in our new town. We miss it very very much!!
And is Sam one big cat or is that pic of him deceiving? hehe
December 22, 2008 at 5:22 PM
Davisix said...
OH...and that is HYSTERICAL about the jacket and the fire. I mean, as long as he's OK. Funny stuff! Ang
December 22, 2008 at 5:23 PM
He & Me + 3 said...
What a great time. You are so busy all the time. I think you have been to the most parties this season. Your life is far from boring. I love reading all the fun things that you are doing. Being part of this must be fun & also very rewarding. Beautiful pictures! Loved the last one.
December 22, 2008 at 8:48 PM
feather k said...
Yes, Sam is that big...no special effects...
December 22, 2008 at 10:30 PM
Us said...
#1 I love Sam so much! Can he come live with me?
#2 Jacket on fire! Hahahahaha
#3 You rock sistah!!! What an awesome thing you are doing! I helped out with the youth group a couple of Sundays ago and totally enjoyed it! Love the kids and love to see them praising God! xo Keli
December 23, 2008 at 6:11 PM