OK...i think i have a new pet peeve...this is my numero uno...for now...annoyance...
why do people feel the need to talk on their cell phones in public restrooms? I am now making it my mission to be as noisy as I can...to make sure that the person they are talking to know they are in a restroom...no i do not mean i am purposing to toot loudly either...you know...to do stuff like turn the water on full blast for a second...flush while they are talking...make sure the metal door has trouble locking so i have to rattle it a few times...quickly move the paper towel handle so it is annoying...even dry my hands a little longer if it has an automatic dryer...
just some thoughts...
people tell your caller that you will call them back in a sec...it's not hard to do...
what is your current pet peeve???
theme(s): life, random rant
So today my family and I went shopping everywhere...we even stumbled into a thrift store...this is my Thrift Store Item of the Day:
A lovely full length nightgown/robe with adorable red roses along with a very flattering lace neckline...If I remember correctly, it even had pearl snaps...I did not purchase this because honestly...I don't want to be single forever...
But who didn't have a g-ma or aunt that had this...or at least something similar...
Hopefully this title will make sense in a little bit...
So...my friend, Micah, and I went to the .38 Special, Styx & REO Speedwagon concert at our zoo amphitheater on Saturday night...I lahuve outdoor concerts! There's friends, music, sun, stars, tons of people watching, etc...Here I am with Micah...just a quick special shout out to her for being an awesome wing girl...and keeping the crazy drunk (though hilarious) man with all of the beads away...which I so returned the favor when we were leaving and a mini fight broke out and I directed her to safety...
It was rather full so they wouldn't let us bring in our chairs...boo to the zoo...but it all worked out...Now onto the people watching...I didn't walk around a lot but I estimate there were 942 mullets,
87 girls with bikini tops on...and like only 2 were fit enough to have them on in the first place...remember, I am not judgin...just watchin and reportin what I saw...and what we had fun laughing about...
there were also about 22 women that I saw that did not feel the need to wear a bra...people, please wear a bra...you may not of had to wear one when you went to your first REO concert in 1974, but you need one now...
but the one accessory/outfit that we saw which was my favorite was...
Boot Moccasins!!!!!!Sorry for the booty shot while trying to get the boots...but I had to snap the pic quick...he was sittin down...
.38 Special was first...Then Styx...Renegade rocked...by the way...
Then it was on to REO...I know this pic is bad, but I was too busy swayin' with our concert neighbors to Can't Fight This Feeling, and belting out Time for Me to Fly...
Outdoor concerts...especially retro ones...are the best for people watching...it was a full moon, so maybe that made it even better...
Journey & Night Ranger tickets go on sale soon...I am so there...anyone have boot moccasins I can borrow???