****UPDATE**** Ready to hear a miracle...no joke...My car was going to cost $2400 at the shop...then they call me and couldn't fix it...they didn't have me pay ANYTHING and I kept all of the parts...So my friend's husband was able to fix it for $200!!!!! Claiming does work!!!

Ok...well, sort of...ok, actually overall...not so much...

Good: Sun shining, toured the capitol with Senator Aldridge with my class, free lunch, off at 3ish

Bad: check engine light came on, took my car to the shop, costing mucho deniro---not the Robert kind, the cash kind---I would show you a pic of my car, but it's at the shop...soaking up parts and labor expenses...

I know things break...need maintenance...etc...but seriously...in January I replaced my whole sewer...well, I didn't but someone did for me...and now this...I am claiming it now...no more outrageous expenditures for 2008!!! I've had my fill!

Happy Spring Everyone!

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